Sunday, April 26, 2009

MY Healthcare & personal experiences

*From what I can recall I have not had any problems with doctors and insurance recently. For a couple of months in 2008 I had actually been without any insurance due to something that was going on with my mothers insurance. I hadn't asked any questions about it- all I knew was that I couldn't get sick during that time or it would have caused some difficulties. Unluckily for me, I of course caught a HORRIBLE case of strep throat, which caused me to not be able to eat, sleep, talk or go to school. I was out of school and work for a week and the worst part was I had no insurance. I did however have a friend who was an EMT ( he helped out during 9/11 actually and is now suffering from a brain tumor, but that's a different story) whom I called up and told my symptoms to. Along with my parents he took us to a hospital that he had frequently went to and helped get me treatment absolutely free. I was signed up right away and saw the doctor in a matter of minutes, got all the testing that I needed and the anti-biotic that would help cure me.
*Thinking back to this experience I now realize how having connections can be helpful in getting things that are needed, and its sad because when people NEED treatment they should be able to get it connections or not. I can thankfully say I've never had any problem with hospital bills or being treated. I have however had issues with being denied treatment because of my age and the fact that I was without a parent, but otherwise than that I can say I have been fine. Seeing the documentary SICKO helps me better appreciate my experiences but it also scares me. I may have been lucky in the past but in the future it could only take ONE time for something to go wrong and my life to end up like someone in that movie. Touching upon this subject, I cant help think about religion. When I go to church one of the things that is always preached about is health. Since us Americans aren't getting the help we need physically I guess it helps people to believe that there is someone other than a health insurance company, and doctors that can help.

1 comment:

Juggleandhope said...

great small essay. - personal experience, analysis, lively voice.